Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Grapefruit In THAI, Pomelo fruit, privatization

Grapefruit In THAI, Pomelo fruit

Grapefruit in THAI or Pomelo fruit, Thai call "ส้มโอ". Thai culture take grapefruit to cooking as Thai salad or Thai call is "Yum-Som-Oh ยำส้มโอ". Thai grapefruits prefer plants in around home and garden. Grapefruit in Thai taste is very sweet and some time bitter. For past 10 years grapefruit in Thai no price or worthless, gardener sell low price and little sell out. After that gardener do the something as Grapefruit privatization to increase income.

Grapefruit, Pomelo fruit
Grapefruit, Pomelo fruit In Thai

You know Grapefruit in Thai plant at Nakorn-Pathom province first time. My list grapefruit in THAI see as below.
  • Siam Ruby grapefruit ( พันธุ์ทับทิมสยาม)
  • Gold grapefruit(พันธุ์ทองดี)
  • Honey white (พันธุ์ขาวน้ำผึ้ง)
  • Khao-Yai(พันธุ์ขาวใหญ่)
  • Kaw-Pong(พันธุ์ขาวพวง)
  • White cucumber(พันธุ์ขาวแตงกวา)
  • Tha-Khoi(พันธุ์ท่าข่อย)
  • Pattavia(พันธุ์ปัตตาเวีย)    
Grapefruit in THAI benefit: Popular eating fresh fruit or Thai cooking as salad, som-tum(like papaya That salad), dessert, sweet, snake and smoothie.

Thai Grapefruit flower
Grapefruit white flower

Grapefruit Flesh
Thai Grapefruit Flesh

Thai Grapefruit salad
Thai Grapefruit salad very hot in Thai people

Thai belief: Lady status no married, take grapefruit feel apply on face to make fresh skin.

History by: Grapefruit Seed Extract Benefits

Monday, August 10, 2015

Variety Of Grapefruit Types,Oro blanco,Ruby Red,Pink,Thompson,White Marsh,Flame,Star Ruby,Duncan,Pummelo HB

Grapefruit Types

After we know how to plant grapefruit, now learn the types (usually we just know types of grapefruit first) whenever we can learn together. From wikipedia description the varieties of  grapefruit types  such as Oro Blanco, Ruby Red, Pink, Thompson, White Marsh, Flame, Star Ruby, Duncan, and Pummelo HB. Now we start learning each type.

Oro blanco grapefruit Type: This taste like orange, have a thick skin with an inside about the size of a mandarin, green peels, You can find and eat in California around September through December.

Oro blanco grapefruit Type
Cr: Image:, Oro blanco grapefruit type
Ruby Red Grapefruit Type: Was discovered after white grapefruit (Ora blanco), it even become a symbolic fruit of Texas. The color help improve grapefruit juice.

Ruby Red Grapefruit
Pink Grapefruit Type: Occur from red grapefruit and become to pink using radiation to trigger mutations, new varieties were developed to retain the red tones which typically faded to pink grapefruit.

Pink Grapefruit
Image:, Pink grapefruit

Thompson grapefruit Type: The originated as a sport off the Marsh grapefruit tree, Thompson grapefruit was the first pink pigmented, seedless grapefruit discovered (1913). Tender, juicy, sweet flesh is buff to light pink in color. Heavy bearing variety. Fruit ripens November to May.

Image:, Thomson grapefruit

Read more about Thomson grapefruit: The Thompson Pink Grapefruit originated in 1913 as a pink-fleshed sport of the Marsh White Grapefruit. It is also called Pink Marsh and was first propagated by Royal Palm Nursery in Oneco, Florida in 1924. It is seedless as Marsh White and has the same appearance inside and outside of the fruit. It matures earlier than Marsh White, from October through February but can hold its fruit on the tree for many months. It has a high yield and the tree will grow to 25 feet. Ref:

White Marsh Grapefruit Type: This grapefruit California native, The White Marsh grapefruit, which has a quite even, light yellow peel as well as buff-colored pulp, are usually almost seedless, incredibly delicious as well as full of taste. A number of white grapefruit along with seeds is called the Duncan that is very juicy which has a light-yellow peel as well as buff-colored pulp. Ref:

White marsh grapefruit
White marsh grapefruit, Image:

Flame Grapefruit Type: Is a Red Grapefruit. The flesh and juice are deep red color and the flavor is intense. Is intensely red on the inside and very juicy grapefruit, with a rich flavor and few or no seeds.

Flame Grapefruit
Image:, Flame Grapefruit

Star Ruby grapefruit type: Is origins in Texas and the tree fruit continues to thrive in regions throughout the state. In 1977, a disease-free budwood of Star Ruby was made available to the public, allowing other citrus growing regions to begin cultivating the fruit for commercial markets. A true Star Ruby grapefruit, though, is only considered such only if it is grown in Texas. Ref:

Star Ruby Grapefruit
Image:, Star Ruby Grapefruit

Duncan grapefruit Type: Is believed to be the oldest grapefruit variety grown in the United States.  Although not named until 1892, it was growing as early as 1830 near Safety Harbor, Florida.

Duncan Grapefruit, Duncan Grapefruit

Pummelo HB grapefruit Type: The pummelo is large citrus fruit that is an forebear of the common grapefruit. It is planting in Asia as China, Japan, India, Fiji, Malaysia, and Thailand. But it also now grown in United states of California and Florida. Inside pommelo fruit is a pink flesh present. The pummelos are mosty decidedly lacking in strong grapefruit tastes. The Pummelo fruits having a large size and thick outer skin.
Pummelo HB grapefruit
Image:, Pummelo HB grapefruit


Sunday, August 9, 2015

How To Planting Grapefruit Seed, Step By Step

Grapefruit Seed Planting

Before learning the Grapefruit Seed extract benefits, come with me How To Planting Grapefruit Seed for beginner. The grapefruit can grow at garden and home. It tree is big shrub and leaf is green. Grapefruit color is yellow and bouquet around 7 - 10 grapefruits.

Grapefruit growing zone like spring and fall season. You can planting in spring or fall. The planting depending on your place work better. Ensure those planted. The spring must contend with the heat of summer.  The fall planted must endure the hardships of unseasonably cold winters.

How to Planting Grapefruit Seed

Starting planting grapefruit seed very easy. After you buy grapefruit and eating, you just saved a few seeds from a grapefruit from you eating. After that you put the grapefruit on the floor and have dry with sun light around 1 day. Prepare soil enough the grapefruit seed can grow. After that put the seeds on soil and watering grapefruit seeds.

I want notice you about, you keep and looking bird, chicken, dog and cat, they can making the barriers to growth. Please make sure you plant it far enough away from a fence! We didn't really pay that much attention to where our cute little munchkin was planting his "tree" at the time, yet now have a very large grapefruit tree with yearly fruit WAY too close to our fence! So- make sure you get at least 2 to 4 feet away from the fence when you drop the seeds and have fun with it.

After Grapefruit growth, See how to plant a grapefruit tree from seed

To learn and making sure grapefruit growth, see how to plant a grapefruit tree from seed, The planting is depending on care.

  • Making to dig the planting hole both wide and deep and ensure enough to accommodate the roots. 
  • After placing the tree in the hole, back fill halfway with soil, firmly pressing down to squeeze out any air bubbles. 
  • Then water the soil and allow it to settle before back filling with the remaining soil. 
  • Keep the soil level with the surrounding area or slightly mound it. 
  • Setting it any lower will lead to standing water and cause rotting. 
  • Also, be sure that the bud union remains above the soil.

How long does it take for a grapefruit to grow: Ref: Dr. Malcolm M. Manners, Professor of Citrus Science at Florida Southern College and consultant to the Florida citrus industry, had grate answer posted, He said that Grapefruit Trees, like other citrus, don't measure maturity in years like people. Instead, they measure it in nodes. 

Grapefruit trees have to get very, very tall to get to the point where they have enough nodes to reach blooming size. I've seen somewhere they are not tall enough at 15 feet. In other words, if you are growing this on the windowsill, or even in your average greenhouse, and you want to pick Grapefruit off your own tree for breakfast, don't hold your breath. 

The high-profile Dr Manners has straightened out many a southern back yard grapefruit grower. Here's his q&a session in Southern Living Magazine: 

I posed your question to Dr Manners. Yes, I really, really did. And Dr Manners answered me. He said that the number of nodes is indeed the deciding factor as to when you'll be picking Grapefruits. 

'It varies from variety to variety, so no one has actually ever published exact numbers," he said. "With Grapefruit, I'd say somewhere in the 8 to10 feet high area.' 

Remember, that's a rough guess, albeit from a world famous citrus celebrity. Odds are, not even you know now what 'variety' of Grapefruit seed you sowed 5 years ago. 

But what the heck. May as well be prepared. Dr Manners gives a short lesson to Southern Living describing how to tell, perhaps years from now, when your Grapefruits are ready to pick: 

"Malcolm Manners recommends testing one or two for flavor before you pick a lot off your tree. 'Palates vary, so your citrus is ripe exactly when it tastes ripe to you.' Also, he explains, young trees--especially grapefruit and navel oranges--may bear only dry, pithy fruit for the first year or two. 'After the third or fourth year, most citrus trees can be expected to bear generous quantities of good fruit, and they'll keep producing at this level for 25 years or more.' Tip: Remove any fruit from a newly planted tree so it will put all its energy into growing. You'll raise a better, stronger tree by sacrificing this first little crop." 

How important are those nodes? Well, if you lopped off the top of a blooming Grapefruit Tree and rooted it, the new 'tree' would grow Grapefruit. It still 'thinks' it's growing at the top of the old tree. The node knows...not. 

Quite fascinating, if you think about it. Patience, my friend. Good things come to those who wait.

See Continue How to Care Grapefruit Tree
Ref: Yahoo Answer